Furniture Dents No More

2-16-17.jpgHave you ever had the experience of rearranging the furniture in your room, only to find out that the floor is plagued with little indentations left over from the furniture?  While these can be an immediate eyesore to many, it doesn’t mean that it has to stay that way.  Join us today as we go over some simple ways to get those dents out of your carpet!

When it comes to getting these pesky dents out, ice may be your best friend.  All you need to do is to grab a few ice cubes from the freezer, drop them in the indentations, and let them sit.  By the time they melt, the indentation will have disappeared, and you’ll be left with a carpet looking like new!  Just be sure to wipe up any excess water that may remain with a cloth, and you are good to go.

However, sometimes you may move your furniture and find out that the carpet underneath is a completely different shade than the rest of the carpet.  For those situations, know that Bayside Carpet Cleaning is here to help.  One call is all you need to make your carpet look like new again.

Give us a call today for a free quote!

Love Your Floors the Right Way

2-14-17.jpgHappy Valentine’s Day to all you Bayside Carpet Cleaning fans out there!  We hope that no matter where you are, you are celebrating this day of love however you see fit.  Speaking of love, we all love our floors, but are we loving them the right way?  Check out our latest article to learn to love your floor properly, and what you can do to keep that love going strong.

Taking good care of your floor can actually be a real simple task—just give it some attention every now and then and you should be good to go.  Now, the type of attention will be different depending on the floor type; you wouldn’t treat a dog and a cat the same way, would you?  Yes, even though we may love them all the same, we love them in different ways.

For example, the love and attention that you need to give to your carpet is a thorough vacuuming every week.  Nothing fancy—just a simple run-through will be enough to get you through the next week.  The thing about carpet is that it acts as a filter, picking up dirt and dust that can conglomerate in the air or on someone’s shoe.  Just like a regular filter, it needs to be cleaned every now and then, which is precisely what vacuuming does.

On the other hand, the proper way to love your tile floor is to give it a good mopping on the regular.  Just like vacuuming with your carpet, there is no need for you to get all fancy—a simple pass with a mop and some water will do.   

Now, there will be some times where you will need to give a little bit of extra love and attention to your floors, like after something spills on them.  For these types of instances, you need to act fast to preserve their everlasting beauty—soak up as much of the spill as you can, and then go over it with water or a stain-fighting solution (which you can find recipes of how to make in many of our previous blogs).  So long as you act fast, you can keep the floor that you love so dearly looking great, no matter what happened to them.

Floors, like your lover, needs a little bit of care and attention every now and then to make sure that they are doing great.  So what do you say?  Show your floor some love this Valentine’s Day!

Vacuuming: A Killer Exercise

2-9-17.jpgFor the health of your carpet, vacuuming is necessary.  For the health of you, vacuuming is a great way to keep you in shape.  Sure, it may sound a little odd, but vacuuming has the potential to be a killer workout, so long as you add in a few extra steps.  Find out what those are to make your next cleaning session a fitness session in our latest blog!

Believe it or not, vacuuming alone burns up to 190 calories per hour, and when you couple in all the other tasks you need to do around the house when cleaning, it can all add up to a very intensive exercise.  However, if you add some simple things onto your vacuuming routine, you can even burn more calories and get some muscle growth going.  For example, instead of walking the vacuum across the room, you can do lunges.  Or, if you flex your stomach for the whole duration of vacuuming, you can really get a workout on your abs.  

But who says that you have to limit your workout to just vacuuming?  Dusting while doing calf extensions or wiping all of your windows in small circles all make for a great workout.  Add in the forearm workout from mopping, and you have yourself a great routine and a healthy home.

For more carpet cleaning tips and tricks, be sure to check back to our blog every Tuesday and Thursday for our latest article!

Cleaning Leather Furniture

2-7-17.jpgLeather furniture is awesome, but sometimes it may seem like a bear to clean.  However, cleaning leather is simply a task of mind over matter.  With the right steps, you can cut the job of cleaning right down to size.  Read on to learn more about cleaning leather furniture.

When it comes to cleaning leather, the first thing that you should take note of is the type of leather that you are dealing with.  Some leathers will react differently with cleaners than others, so it is imperative that you know what you are working with before you get down to business.  To find out the type of leather, look behind the cushions for the tag.

Once you have that figured out, you then need to know what you are cleaning for.  Are you giving it a general touch-up before some friends come over, or is there a nasty stain that needs to come out ASAP?  This will help determine how much cleaning you will need to do.

Before we even get started with the process, the golden rule of cleaning leather furniture is to stay away from commercial cleaners.  Believe it or not, these cleaners will not always do what they are intended to do, and can actually cause some harm to your couch.  Instead, stick to water and some mild dish soap, if you need it.

Now that you’re ready to clean, the first thing you are going to need to do is to vacuum it.  It may seem odd, but this will ensure that all the particles that you cannot see will be taken out, making it that much easier for you to clean it out.  Next, mix together the water and soap so a little bit of suds form—you do not need anything crazy, just a little bit of suds to help the cleaning power.  Then, take a clean rag, collect some of the suds, and wipe the surface of the furniture.  

After the suds are all on the leather, you need to grab another rag and dampen it with regular water.  Use this to go back over the furniture, picking up as many suds as you can.  It is very important that no suds remain, as their lingering will be the bane of the leather.  

Finally, take another rag and wipe up all the water from the second rag.  After all the water is picked up, you’re done!

Now, if you are dealing with a stain, you are probably going to need to go over it a few more times, but with enough determination it should come out without a problem.  At the end of it, you’ll have the stain out, without breaking the bank with expensive cleaners that do not do much.

Cleaning leather is not difficult, it is just a process, much like everything else.  However, if you need a little bit more help, know that Bayside Carpet Cleaning is there for you!

The Truth About Robot Vacuums

2-2-17.jpgYou may have noticed recently that there seems to be a big push for robotic vacuums—those little contraptions that will clean your floors for you without you having to do anything.  This all sounds great, but we have one question to ask: Is it too good to be true?  With many consumers (and Bayside staff members) asking this question, we figured that it’s about time to sit down and sort this all out.  Read on to find out the real truth about these robot vacuum cleaners!

To do this, let’s compare the pros and cons of these little guys, and then offer our opinion at the end.  

First, the pros.  Obviously, the great thing about robot vacuum cleaners is that they can be cleaning your floors when you do not have the time to do so.  Sure, you have to do a little initial setup, but other than that you will be able to have this little contraption clean your floors whenever you want, and even program it to not clean during certain times of the day.  Not only that, but with the recent developments in technology, the robot vacuum has become much cheaper.  By no means is it as cheap as a regular vacuum, but you may very well find that a little investment on this is worth it in the long run.

Next comes the cons.  One of the biggest drawbacks about robot vacuum cleaners is their size.  Sure, small is great for being able to get into every corner and under every table in your room, but that also means that the vacuum does not have a lot of power nor does it have the room to store a lot of debris.  If you have a small room, you should be ok, but if you have a medium to large size room with kids or pets, you may be finding yourself cleaning out the vacuum frequently.  Not only that, but since the technology is so new, these robots are still working out their kinks—some may get stuck underneath furniture from time to time, or bogged down in a pile of pet hair thanks to their tiny wheel.

Finally, comes the verdict.  While robot vacuum cleaners are perfect for busy families, they do not compare to a regular push vacuum.  By doing it yourself, you can get the room clean in a fraction of the time it would take the robot to.  However, if you find yourself strapped for time and are willing to make a small investment, then perhaps the robot vacuum is for you.  At the end of the day, your personal situation will determine if you should get one or not.  

Now, despite how you choose to vacuum your floors, you are going to need a professional cleaning at least once a year to keep your carpet looking healthy and great.  When  that time comes around, be sure to give Bayside Carpet Cleaning a call for a free quote!

Until next time, Bayside Carpet Cleaning fan!

The Technique: Mopping

1-31-17.jpegHey there, Bayside Carpet Cleaning fans!  So, you may have read in our previous articles that mopping is an essential part to keeping your tile floors clean, but do you know how to properly mop?  Believe it or not, there is much more that goes into it than just nonchalantly swabbing a mop across the floor.  Join us today as we go over a comprehensive guide to effective mopping!

No matter what you’re goal is for mopping or what mop you plan to use, the first thing that you need to do before even starting to think about mopping is to vacuum the floor clean.  Tidying up the area in which you plan to mop will both make your job easier, and will have the floor coming out a whole lot better.  

Now that the floor has been cleaned, grab your mop, bucket, and some water and get to work.  Unless the floor is extremely dirty, we suggest using just water, as it will get the floor relatively clean without posing harm to your floor.  However, if there is quite the mess on the floor, using a mild detergent would be in your best interest.  

One of the fundamental principles of mopping is to never walk over what you just mopped.  With that being said, be sure to start at the back of the room and mop your way towards the exit—that way you can leave to rest while the floor dries, all without stepping on it.

Next comes the technique in which you mop, which can vary depending on the type of mop you are using.  If you are using a simple rag mop, mopping in horizontal figure eights will work great, whereas those with a sponge mop will find it more effective if they mop in tight, vertical lines as if they are vacuuming.  However, regardless of how you do it, be sure to shake out your mop over a dustbin from time to time to get off any gunk that you may be sliding around the floors.

When you are finished with the room, head back in with a small cloth and try to pick up any dust particles that may have settled or have been left behind.  Although, if you used detergent in your mopping endeavors, we highly encourage you to go over it again with just water—your floors will thank you later.

Mopping is relatively easy, especially once you have the proper method down.  In no time, we are confident that your floors will be amazed at all of your mopping prowess!

For more tips and tricks, be sure to check back to our blog every Tuesday and Thursday for our latest article!

The Secrets to a Great Hardwood Floor

1-26-17.jpgMost homeowners can agree that hardwood looks great in a lot of rooms, but keeping them clean all the time may prove to be a bit of a hassle.  Believe it or not, the secrets for a great hardwood floor are not extensive, and can be achieved with minimal effort.  Read on to find out what they are!

As with any other types of flooring, you need to pay attention to two categories to keep it in great shape: prevention and regular cleaning.  Prevention deals with damage to the floor, and also ways to prevent large buildups of dirt from accumulating.  On the other hand, the cleaning end of the spectrum is rather self-explanatory.  However, the golden rule here is that consistency is key.

For hardwood floors, prevention goes a little bit further than it would with carpet, as there are many things that can potentially damage your floor.  Take chairs and high heels, for example, as both of them can scratch and leave divots in your floor.  An easy way to bolster up your defenses is to use throw rugs wherever appropriate, especially by doorways.  These provide guests a nice place to wipe off their feet, making it less likely that they will track in a rock or some other object that can leave dents in your floor.

In addition, paying attention to the climate in your home is also important for maintaining a proper wood floor.  Ideally, there should be between 35%-55% humidity in your home, which can be a little difficult to achieve in the winter.  However, investing in a simple humidifier will make it much less likely that the wood planks will shrink due to a lack of moisture.

Now, onto the cleaning end of things.  Cleaning a hardwood floor should be approached differently than cleaning a carpet.  For example, you should always try to spot clean your hardwood floor, as to minimize the amount of water that is left on its surface.  In addition, as opposed to vacuuming, you should be sweeping your floor often.  Vacuums may scratch up your floor due to their wheels, whereas the soft bristles of a broom should not leave anything behind except for a clean wood floor.  Although, like with carpet, you should always try to clean up wet spills as soon as you can, before it leaves a stain on the finish, or worse, seeps into the wood itself.

Keeping a hardwood floor great doesn’t need a whole lot of effort—just the right tactics and you’re good to go.  Although, if you ever need advice or help, know that we here at Bayside Carpet Cleaning are here to help.

Give us a call today for a free estimate!

Why Do We Vacuum?

1-24-17.jpgVacuuming is a vital task for keeping any carpet healthy, but why exactly do we do it?  Not only that, but what are the exact benefits to vacuuming, even if there is no large mess on the floor?  Well, we have the answers to these questions and more, all in our latest blog!

First and foremost, vacuuming does the job that most people cannot do with a standard broom—it takes care of all the individual particles in your carpet that you cannot see with your eyes.  For example, humans can shed up to 1 million skin cells per hour, which will inevitably fall onto your floors when people move around.  In a family of four, this can mean that your carpet can become absolutely littered with skin cells without you even noticing— just because it looks clean does not mean that it is!  With this said, vacuuming picks up all of those cells, leaving your carpet free and able to breathe again.

Not only that, but if you have pets, regular vacuuming also does a great job of picking up what they brought in, even if you cannot see it.  Things ranging from pet hair and dandruff to mites and fleas can come in via your pests, which can make for a very filthy carpet.  Thankfully, vacuuming can take care of all of them in one simple cleaning job.

In addition, regular vacuuming can also improve the air quality in your home.  Think of your carpet as a giant air filter, trapping all impurities in the air throughout the day.  Well, this filter gets filled up from time to time, and must be cleaned in order to work properly again.  The more you vacuum, the more you will notice that the air in your home has become much fresher, leaving you in a blissful aura of self-accomplishment.

Vacuuming may be essential for your carpet, but it does not have to be extensive.  Just one, 10-minute vacuum session per week will leave your carpet looking great and you feeling good.  

So what do you say?  Set up your vacuuming schedule today to get yourself a cleaner carpet!

Keeping Salt From Killing Your Floors

1-19-17.jpgFor our South Jersey region, this is about the time of year where we’ll start to see more and more snowstorms heading our way.  Due to this, we have learned some of the best ways to deal with snow, from engine-driven snow-throwers to the traditional method of salt and ice melts.  While the latter of the group are great for controlling snow, they can wreck havoc on your floors.  Check out our latest article to learn how to keep these snow-killers from killing your floors!

When it comes to floors, the golden rule is to keep out as much moisture as you can, because it can spell disaster for any type of flooring.  However, when you factor salt into the mix, things can get a whole lot more complicated.  Ice melts can be even worse, as they contain a wide variety of chemicals that can really do a number on your floors.  While the clear-cut solution to this problem would be to not use these materials when trying to remove snow, but we know that it is not that simple, nor can it be possible in certain scenario.  Therefore, the best thing you can do to keep salt from killing your floors is to  prevent it from coming inside in the first place.

Sure, that may seem like a daunting task, but it is really quite simple when you break it down to size.  One solution is to employ the use of various doormats, both inside and outside.  These allow your guests and family members to scrape off as much salt from their shoes as they can before stepping inside, and can make a real difference when it comes to the protection of your floors.  Alternatively, you can employ the no-shoes policy, where no one can wear shoes past your front door.  If you are real concerned about your floors and care about the comfort of your guests, this can be a great solution.  A final solution would be to replace the salts with kitty litter—it can melt ice and it won’t harm your floors.  However, using any of the two previous policies—or a combination of both—should prove to be beneficial to your floors.

In the winter season, it is imperative to note that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  One little change now can spare your floors times of hardship in the future.  So, what do you say, Bayside Carpet Cleaning fans?  Protect your floors today!   

Amazing Area Rugs

1-17-17.jpgTurn to any page in Better Homes & Gardens or to any HGTV show, and there is a good chance that you’ll see an area rug lying on the floor.  While it is true that they have the ability to lighten up any room, they can be a little difficult to clean, until now.  Join us today as we show you some easy tips for cleaning your area rug!

The first thing that you are going to want to do is to run a vacuum over the entire rug.  By doing this, you’ll get out most of the dirt and dust particles that have been lying in the rug for a while.  However, the vacuum can often leave pet hair behind, so grab yourself a stiff brush and run it over the rug to get out all the pet hair that has been trapped.

If you need to clean the rug, grab some water and a sponge and start dabbing on the rug.  Be sure to hit some of the more heavily soiled areas, but do not rub the stain into the fibers—dab instead.  Try not to use soap, as different rugs may respond differently to the soap—water is best as it is neutral.  After you have cleaned the rug with water, leave it flat to dry.  Then, feel place to put it wherever you see fit!

However, no matter how soiled the rug looks, or how lost you may think you are with cleaning it, know that we at Bayside Carpet Cleaning are here to help.  Just give us a call, and we will be right there to make your area rug look like new again!